Our story


In 2002 my mother got cancer – for the third time. She’d already had two successful operations before, and she was waiting for another one. Its result was unknown.

I used my network of contacts and found a doctor who agreed to meet my mother. The doctor’s approach to treatment was completely different from her predecessors. She began by finding the cause of cancer and recommended the treatment – not surgery because, as she thought, we had time for it.

We have started the treatment of the cause of the disease and … we succeeded. Within a month, the tumor decreased by half, and three months later there was no sign of it.

I thought it was a miracle, but that time I did not have extensive knowledge about health.

My mother told her friends about the effects of her treatment. As a result, about 20 people who also wanted to consult the same doctor, came to me for contact information. Each of them had completely different problems. From prostate dysfunction, heart disease to kidney failure. The doctor approached each patient with the same care, investigating the cause of the ailment. The effect was that … she helped everyone.

From that moment, when a friend had a medical problem, I knew where I could direct him. In 2009, my friend from high school got cancer. The disease progressed, metastases were diagnosed and he had little time left. Radek fought off the disease without the chemotherapy, he is alive and doing great. More and more I was convinced that there are successful doctors, clinics and methods of treating serious diseases in the world.

Over time, I sold the shares of EuCO S.A. – listed on the main market of the GPW – where I was the owner and chairman, and I invested in the medical industry. As a result, I met wonderful doctors, owners and presidents of clinics, owners of natural medicine facilities and conventional medicine companies. They told me the way they would help their patients, how they would treat various diseases, and whose phone numbers can I find on their phones.
I thought it was really upsetting: there are many treatments and people don’t know about them. I felt sorry for those who were dying because they didn’t know the treatments and where to go to get help. Unfortunately, NFZ is not able to provide them with adequate healthcare.

I decided to assemble the team and re-create healthcare. I know it’s an ambitious goal. But with every cured patient, I feel that I’m doing what I should be doing. I can see the gratitude of our patients, and we promise everyone the same – that we do our best to help them recover.

That’s what I wish for everyone.

The CEO of S7Concierge Sp. z o.o.
Business Angel

Naszym zadaniem jest znalezienie najlepszego rozwiązania dla Ciebie i Twojego zdrowia, dopasowanego do Twoich możliwości. Połączyliśmy to co najlepsze z medycyny konwencjonalnej, naturalnej i nowoczesnej, aby dać Ci pełnię możliwości bycia zdrowym. Jeżeli masz problem zdrowotny wystarczy, że do nas zadzwonisz. Znajdziemy co najmniej jedno rozwiązanie i przedstawimy Ci naszą propozycję.

S7Concierge © 2018